瓦羅的翻譯。詞不達意請諸位通人一起斧正。 阅读:4626回复:3
1 hic, qui Sidonio fulget sublimis in ostro, dux fuerat belli, proximus ille duci. hic, qui nunc in humo lumen miserabile fixit, non isto vultu, cum tulit arma, fuit. 5 ille ferox et adhuc oculis hostilibus ardens hortator pugnae consiliumque fuit. perfidus hic nostros inclusit fraude locorum, squalida promissis qui tegit ora comis. illo, qui sequitur, dicunt mactata ministro 10 saepe recusanti corpora capta deo. hic lacus, hi montes, haec tot castella, tot amnes plena ferae caedis, plena cruoris erant. Drusus in his meruit quondam cognomina terris, quae bona progenies, digna parente, tulit. 15 cornibus hic fractis viridi male tectus ab ulva decolor ipse suo sanguine Rhenus erat. crinibus en etiam fertur Germania passis, et ducis invicti sub pede maesta sedet, collaque Romanae praebens animosa securi 20 vincula fert illa, qua tulit arma, manu. 1 此人,身着紫袍,在锡东大地上高高闪耀着, 他曾是战场的统帅,已经发出了最后的命令。 而此时,此人却脚踩着大地,目光凝固着哀怨, 要是在以前,他手持兵刃绝无此面容。 5 他曾是如此的悍勇,那怒视敌人的目光彷佛在喷火, 对于战争,他既勇且多谋。 此时的告密者,让我们身陷绝境。 用他那蓬杂的头发遮盖着脸孔。 对于这个身随左右之人,都说他 10 常因神不眷顾而屠杀战俘。 这湖泊,这些山脉,以及所有的要塞和河流, 都充满了野蛮的杀戮,血流成河。 德鲁苏同志也曾在这片土地上赢得过无数称号, 这些昭示着一个显赫的家族,因为他的双亲。 15 这只破损的号角已经换不醒这片绿草, 莱茵河也因为血流成河而失去了他自己的本色。 头发蓬松的日耳曼人来到了跟前, 坐在这位忧郁不已的常胜将军脚边。 罗马人那高傲的脖子正朝向战斧, 20 她的臂膀上戴着镣铐,但放佛还拿着武器。 |
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(Ovid: Tristia IV) ‘He, who shines on high in Sidonian purple, ‘ was leader in the war: this one next in command.(proximus ille duci又译second in command,即“副手”,修饰dux/leader) That one now who fixes his wretched gaze on the ground, did not look so when he was carrying weapons. This fierce one, with hostile eyes still burning, was the instigator and planned the battles. That traitor, who hides his face in his shaggy hair, trapped our men in a treacherous place. They say the one who follows him was their priest, who sacrificed captives to their gods, gifts often refused. These floats: lakes, mountains, all the forts and rivers, filled with fierce slaughter, running with blood. Drusus, the elder, once earned his name there, who was a fine son worthy of his father. This with broken horns badly covered with green sedge, is the Rhine himself discoloured with his blood. See even Germany is carried along with loosened hair, seated sorrowing at the feet of the undefeated leader. Offering her proud neck to the Roman axe she wears chains on the arms that carried weapons.’ |
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