这两个词的区别 阅读:4900回复:10
1 vasto, -are 和 deleo, -ere
2 neco, -are 和 interficio, ere |
对于1,vastare的原始含义是“使荒芜”而delere是“抹去”,二者的引申意相似 |
neco to kill, slay, put to death, destroy (usually without a weapon, by poison, hunger, etc.; cf.: occido, interficio, interimo, perimo). 通常是不直接用武器,而是使用其它手段如毒药、饥饿等手段致死 interfĭcĭo To kill, slay, murder……With abl. of separation, to cut off from……With abl. of means……with se, to commit suicide: se ipsum 可跟离格表示“从……剥夺”,“用……杀死”,以及带上se表示自杀 |
我在练习题里有见到 Diana sagittis feras necat.
还有deleo,好像也带有“杀”的意味,好像是英语delete的词源。 |
回 bamboo 的帖子
bamboo:我在练习题里有见到 Diana sagittis feras necat. Diana sagittis feras necat.这句俺也见过……所以也不知道是编词典的疏漏还是问题还是编练习的疏漏…… PS:关于各种死,又从Google搜得一说: interficio: is most general occido: to kill with a weapon, particularly in battle caedo: to kill or cut with a weapon neco: to put to death by some wicked or cruel means eg poison. Not normally for killing with a weapon trucido: kill inhumanly, massacre, butcher iugulo: slaughter like a beast obtrunco: cut down immolo ; macto: from the vocabulary of sacrifice, when murdering in a horrible / sacrilegious way supplico, afficio: execute |
回 一古斋主 的帖子
一古斋主:Diana sagittis feras necat.这句俺也见过……所以也不知道是编词典的疏漏还是问题还是编练习的疏漏…… 看古罗马人对“死”很有研究~~~ |
回 Qasoqaanga 的帖子
Qasoqaanga:可以罗列一下汉语的相关说法。 (2012-04-29 18:46) 东汉·刘熙《釋名》曰: 罪人曰殺 罪及餘人曰誅 死於水者曰溺 死於火者曰燒 下殺上曰弒 懸繩曰縊 獄死曰考 市死曰棄 斫頭曰斬 車裂曰轘 煮之於鑊曰烹 槌而死者曰掠 |
上海人说,弹老三,翘辫子,做脱,出送,走脱勒 et cetera