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更多 发布于:2015-09-27 21:34

這篇文章是出自Livius的Ab Urbe Condita Libri一書的文章,英文好像翻作History of Rome
Ab Urbe Condita Libri的句法也不慎了解

Cum instructae acies constitissent, priusquam signa canerent, processisse Latinum inter primores ducemque advenarum evocasse ad conloquium.

Percunctatum deinde qui mortales essent, unde aut quo casu profecti domo quidve quaerentes in agrum Laurentinum exissent.這段沒甚麼問題

Postquam audierit multitudinem Troianos esse(動詞esse要求賓格嗎?為何是Troianos?), ducem Aeneam, filium Anchisae et Veneris, cremata patria domo profugos sedem condendaeque urbi locum quaerere.

Et nobilitatem admiratum gentis virique et animum vel bello vel paci paratum, dextra data fidem futurae amicitiae sanxisse.

Inde foedus ictum inter duces, inter exercitus salutationem factam.

Aeneam apud Latinum fuisse in hospitio.

Ibi Latinum apud penates deos domesticum publico adiunxisse foedus filia Aeneae in matrimonium data.
這段有點難理解,Latinum apud penates deos是指Latinus成了家神的一員還是指他見到了家神?
Domesticum是指他以家神的身份進到了眾神之列嗎?Adiunxisse foedus該怎麼理解?

Ea res utique Troianis spem adfirmat tandem stabili certaque sede finiendi erroris.
Adfirmat的主詞是ea res嗎?那這句話的語意是"這件事情絕對確保了特洛伊人最終有一個安穩而確定的家並結束流浪的願望"嗎?離格Stabili certaque sede修飾的又是甚麼?

Oppidum condunt.

Aeneas a nomine uxoris Lavinium appellat.

When the arranged lines of battle had been drawn up, before the signals were sounded, Latinus advanced among his chieftains and summoned the leader of the strangers to a conference. He then asked what men they were, where they had come from, what misfortune had caused them to leave their home, and what they were seeking in the land of Laurentinum. After he heard that the people were Trojans and their leader was Aeneas, the son of Anchises and Venus, and that their city had been burned, and driven from their home they were seeking a dwelling place and a site where they might build a city, in admiration of both the renown of the race and the spirit of the hero who was prepared either for war or for peace, he gave him his right hand and enacted a pledge of future friendship. A treaty was then struck by the leaders, and the armies saluted. Aeneas received guest friendship with Latinus. And then Latinus in the presence of his household gods added to the public treaty a domestic one by giving his daughter in marriage to Aeneas. This event definitely confirmed the hope of the Trojans of having ended their wanderings in a stable and certain home. They founded a city. Aeneas called it Lavinium after the name of his wife.


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发布于:2015-09-28 19:38
ea res是主语,离格表处所,“在…”
[nemecko于2015-09-29 13:02编辑了帖子]
