从语义层来看,动词化指的是把不是过程的成分当作过程来处理(take non-process as process)。从形式层来看,动词化指的是通过用动词替代其他此类来表达一般不是由动词表达的意义。
根据我们的观察,动词化的类型可以大致分为以下四个小类:(1)把时间关系看作过程;(2)把因果关系看作过程;(3)把条件看作过程;(4)把让步关系看作过程。这些类型的共同之处是把原来一致式的住从句变成了简单句,把原来两个或两个以上一致式小句所包含的信息通过“打包”(packing)的方式纳入一个小句,从而夸大了非一致式小句的信息容量。 1.把时间关系看作过程 时间关系有两种:一种是先后关系,一种是同时关系。 表示先后关系,英语一般使用after和before等连词或then和afterwards等副词来表示,但也可以通过动词化变为过程。请比较下列两组例证: [1a]She left before I arrived. [1b]Her departure preceded my arrival. [2a]Motorcycles came first. Motorcade appeared afterwards. [2b]The motorcade followed Motorcycles. 表示同时关系,英语通常使用while等连词, meanwhile、concurrently、simultaneously等副词,以及at the same time等介词短语,但也可以通过动词化变为过程,如: [3a] The strike took place last Monday. The party conference was held at the same time. [3b] The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference. [4a] There were strong winds. And in the meantime there was a heavy rain. [4b] Strong winds were accompanied by a heavy rain. 无论是先后关系还是同时关系,一致式都倾向于把时间关系看作小句及物结构之外的逻辑成分,如[1a]中的before;或看作环境成分,如[2a]中的afterwards、[3a]中的at the same time和[4a]中的in the meantime。而非一致式则把时间关系看作一种动态的过程。 2.把因果关系看作过程 因果关系通常是由because和since等连词体现的,但也可以通过动词化变为过程,如: [5a]Because he was careless, a traffic accident occurred. [5b] His carelessness caused a traffic accident. [6a] We rushed and so became confused. [6b] Our rushing led to our confusion. 在这些例子中,[5a]和[6a]分别使用了连词bacause和so来表示原因,而[5b]和[6b]却分别使用了动词cause和lead to表示同样的逻辑关系,从而使因果关系具有动态化的特征。 3.把条件关系看作过程 条件关系通常由if和unless等连词体现,但也可以通过动词化变为过程,如: [7a]If you have good food, exercises and enough sleep, you will have good health. [7b]Good health depends on good food, exercises and enough sleep. [8a] I sleep with the window open unless it’s really cold. [8b]Whether I sleep with the window open is determined by the weather condition. 在这些例子中,[7a]和[8a]分别使用了连词if和unless表示条件关系,而[7b]和[8b]却分别使用动词depend on和determine表示同样的逻辑关系。 4.把让步关系看作过程 让步关系通常是由although和even though等连词以及even so等副词词组来体现,但也可以通过动词化变为过程,如: [9a]Even though the motor housing was unstable, the research staff completed the field trials. [9b]The instability of the motor housing did not preclude the completion of the field trials. [10a]She is annoying at times. Even so, I like her. [10b]Her annoyance does not stop me from liking her. 在这些例子中,[9a]、[10a]分别使用了连词even though和even so表示让步关系,而[9b]、[10b]却使用动词否定式did not preclude和does not stop表示同样的逻辑关系。在这里,隐性的否定性逻辑关系变成了显性的动态过程,使原本静态的意义变成小句的过程,实现了逻辑关系的动态化。 引自:全文 |
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