My English diary !【我的英语日记】
English is very difficult! 英语非常难! I cannot forget these two years,they are 2008 and 2009,because in these years i study English.At first i study from ABC that is funny actually i cannot sing ABC song yet!-_-|||.second i am study phonetic symbol actually i forget some of it.and then i study grammar,words.....it is very difficult to me at first!and then it slowly change to easy.i can say i am very unhappy for one thing in these years is a teacher teach me English a home teacher and i study just like these i hate my self for this!but everyone are protagonist!every thing start from its first like ABC!if you study some thing with your mind and heart it will be easy for you.believe me!!!!! 可能有错误!请原谅!
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发布于:2011-01-06 09:42
写英语日记是个很好的习惯啊 可以锻炼一下用其他语言思考的能力
错误是难免的 但是也可以侧面反映出你对这门语言结构的认识程度 有一些时态的错误 叙述2008年和2009年的事情应该用过去式 更重要的是一些结构上的错误 比如第一句 they are 2008 and 2009 应该另起一句或者前面加个and 因为逗号不能直接连接两个并列句 需要连词and来连接 后面的句子结构有点混乱 我没太看懂 抱歉…… 可以看出来你是个英语的初学者 英语和汉语、维语都不是一个体系 瑞典语我完全不会 看介绍说也是一种日耳曼语 或许和英语有相同吧 希望你可以多练习 尽量从简单的句子和单词开始练起 加油! ![]() |
发布于:2011-01-06 16:19
当然,针对本帖来说,楼主既是虚心求大家指教,大家如愿帮助讲解行文中存在的具体问题,且言之有物的话,考虑到大家的具体情况,也可用汉语加以说明(但同时请附上您认为正确或更好的英语表达),如果没有具体指出问题所在,或不想给出自己的英语表述,那就不必烦劳您来“评判”人家是“几年级”水平了。谢谢。 |
发布于:2011-01-06 18:34
回 3楼(小y) 的帖子
忠言逆耳利于行 良药苦口利于病可能有错误!请原谅! 这是虚心求教 那说真话就不行 |
发布于:2011-01-06 22:57
发布于:2011-01-07 04:00
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发布于:2011-01-07 08:30
引用第5楼ivysh于2011-01-06 18:59发表的 : 言论自由归自由,版区规则归规则,此贴楼主发在“英语角”,而“英语角”版区的规则就是纯英语讨论,您不喜欢,就请到别的版区发言。谢谢。 我只是回了一个帖子,这是任何一名注册网友都能做的,哪用什么“特权”了? 您可以翻翻声同的帖子,我们管理员什么时候“左右过”谁?除了垃圾广告ID外我们封过谁的账号? 好了,言尽于此,此贴我不再作任何回复,敬请放心,绝不会有任何人阻止您说您自以为的“真话”,是非曲直,每个人自己心中都有一把标尺。如果我的话让您觉得“逆耳”了,那真的很抱歉。 谢谢您一直以来对声同的理解和支持。 |
发布于:2011-02-26 01:32
I cannot forget these two years,they are 2008 and 2009,because in these years i study English.At first i study from ABC that is funny actually i cannot sing ABC song yet!-_-|||.second i am study phonetic symbol actually i forget some of it.and then i study grammar,words.....it is very difficult to me at first!and then it slowly change to easy.i can say i am very unhappy for one thing in these years is a teacher teach me English a home teacher and i study just like these i hate my self for this!but everyone are protagonist!every thing start from its first like ABC!if you study some thing with your mind and heart it will be easy for you.believe me!!!!!
------- I can't forget the past two year - Year 2008 and Year 2009, when I started to study English. The first step was as usual from ABC. Although I liked the ABC song very much, I couldn't sing it out at all. The phonetics were too hard to remember but I kept it up till words and grammar... My case proves the truth, which is hard working makes learnings easier. Now English seems a lot more friendly than it was. Sorry啊,家庭老师那部分实在看不懂啊! |