Rolled Christmas Cookies
3/4 cupsgranulated sugar 1/2 teaspoon to 3/4 teaspoon nutmeg 2/3 cupsbutter 1 T. vanilla 1 egg 4 teaspoons milk 2 cups flour 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt Cream together sugar, nutmeg, butter and vanilla in a largebowl until light and fluffy. Next, add egg and milk to creamedmixture. Sift flour, baking powder and salt and then blend thesifted ingredients with the creamed mixture. Divide dough in halfand chill for 1 hour. On a clean, flat, lightly floured surface, roll out sectionsof dough to about 1/8 inch. Cut into cookies with shaped cutters.Bake on greased cookie sheet at 375 degrees for 6 to 9 minutes.Decorating can be done either before (for sprinkles, colored sugar)or after (for icing, frosting, piping) baking. Makes 3-4 dozen cookies. Recipe courtesy of Beth Sansevere Egg Nog 3 egg yolks 1/3 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 3 cups milk 1 cup heavy cream 2 egg whites 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Using a mixer, beat egg yolks, then gradually add 1/3 cup ofsugar until dissolved. Add the salt and stir in the milk and cream.Add mixture to saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirringconstantly. When mixture reaches about 160 degrees F (or coatsspoon), remove from heat, pour into glass bowl and set inside arefrigerator to chill. Using a mixer, beat the egg whites until they are foamy.Then, gradually add 3 tablespoons sugar until soft peaks form. Addto chilled mixture and whisk, mixing thoroughly. Serves 6-8 people. Holiday Chocolate-Candy Bars 2 1/4 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 2 sticks butter (left out to soften) 3/4 cups sugar (granulated) 3/4 cups light or dark brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 large eggs Candy-covered chocolate morsels (large or small, about 112-oz. package) Colored sugar Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Stir together flour, baking soda and salt. With a mixer,beat butter, sugar, brown sugar and vanilla until creamy. Add eggsone at a time (you may want to crack them into a small bowlfirst—before adding to mixture—to avoid adding shell fragments tothe dough). Beat well. Add flour mixture gradually and continuebeating until flour mixture is mixed in thoroughly. Stir incandy-covered chocolate morsels by hand. Top with colored sugar (orother sprinkles, jimmies, etc.) Spread dough into greased 15" x 10" jelly roll pan. Bake for19-24 minutes or until golden brown. Makes 3-4 dozen bars. Hot Christmas Cider 2 quarts apple cider 1/2 cup brown sugar Dash of salt 1 teaspoon dried ginger 1 teaspoon cloves 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon cinnamon sticks Combine cider, sugar and salt in a saucepan. In a smallpiece of cheesecloth, combine spices, and tie off. Add spice packetto cider mixture, and slowly bring to a boil, then cover and simmerfor 18-20 minutes. Remove spices. Serve hot cider in mugs with cinnamon sticks. Mom's Apple Pie 6-8 tart apples (medium to large) 1 1/2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon (or to taste) 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg (or to taste) Dash salt 3/4 cups flour 1 1/4 sticks of butter Frozen pie crust (bottom only) Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. To prepare filling, peel and thinly slice apples. Combine1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup flour, spices and salt and toss with apples.Spoon filling into pie crust. To prepare topping, mix butter, 1 cup sugar, and 1/2 cupsflour in your hands to create crumbs. Distribute evenly over applefilling in pie crust. Bake at 400 degrees F for about 45 minutes or until goldenbrown. Recipe courtesy of Lisa Gordon Figgy Pudding Note: Figgy pudding is a bread-like pudding of Englishorigin, not a custard as those used to American-style puddingsmight expect. 1 lb. fresh large black mission figs 3/4 cup milk 1 1/2 cups flour (all-purpose) 1 cup sugar 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon ginger 1/4 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon salt 3 eggs 1/2 cup melted butter 1 1/2 cups dried bread crumbs 1 tablespoon fresh lemon zest Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. With kitchen shears, remove stems from figs and cut intochunks. Generously grease the interior of a bread or pudding moldor a 2 quart oven-safe bowl and set aside. Over medium to medium-low heat, combine figs and milk andgently simmer for 8 to 10 minutes, until soft. Do not bring to aboil. While figs are simmering, combine flour, sugar, bakingpowder, spices and salt in a medium mixing bowl and stir tocombine. In a large bowl, beat together the egg and melted butteruntil frothy. Gradually add the bread crumbs and lemon zest, thenadd the fig mixture and combine. Spoon batter into mold. Cover the mold and place it into alarge shallow pan. Place pan in oven, then fill it about halfwaywith boiling water. Bake at 350 degress for 2.5 hours. Allowpudding to cool for 15-20 minutes before inverting to remove frommold. Cut, top with fresh whipped cream and serve. Yields 8-10 servings. Tom Thumb Christmas Cookies 1 cup butter 1/2 cup sugar 2 egg yolks 1 1/3 cup flour 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 12 oz. jar strawberry, raspberry or other jelly Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cream together butter and sugar. Add egg yolks, flour and vanilla and combine. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Roll into walnut size balls. Press into the middle of eachball with your thumb. Fill the thumbprint with a red(strawberry/raspberry) jelly. Refrigerate that for 1 hour. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. Courtesy of Mary "Cookie" Knoblock 来源:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4fcde4dd01007mt7.html |