![]() 在这儿先谢过了~~! 纪念中国当代著名油画家——董希文 董希文 1914年生于浙江绍兴县,1973年因癌症于文革中在北京逝世。青年时曾就读于芝江大学、苏州美专、上海美专、河内巴黎美专、国立杭州艺专。主要师从于颜文梁、刘海粟、林风眠、常书鸿等大师。广博众采,学贯中西,打下坚实的绘画基础。1946年应徐悲鸿邀请任中央美术学院教授等职直至病逝。 董希文于学生时代即长年深入西南边寨下层民众生活地区写生创作。1943年远赴西北任敦煌艺术研究所研究员,考察并临摹大量古代壁画,深入了解并掌握中国传统壁画的精髓和技法。临摹有:《萨垂那太子舍生饲虎图》、《鹿王本生故事》、《得眼林故事》等大批古代作品。 1946年后到北平参加中共地下党领导的“反内战、反饥饿、反迫害”的爱国运动,印制散发大量革命宣传画,并加入中国共产党。新中国成立后他以高昂的革命热情讴歌祖国的新生,创作出一大批气度恢宏。具有鲜明时代精神的巨作如:《开国大典》、《春到西藏》等深受人民大众的喜爱,成为新中国美术的经典。 50-60年代曾沿着当年中国工农红军长征走过的路线,不畏艰辛长途跋涉并三次深入西藏牧民地区,体验生活并写生创作大量充满激情,技艺精湛,风格独特的作品,在中国近代绘画史上产生重大影响。 董希文在对西方绘画艺术广泛研究和对中国传统艺术深刻理解把握的基础上,寻找中西绘画的交融点,鲜明提出“油画中国风”的主张并身体力行,在探索和开拓具有中国人灵魂气质的油画艺术表现形式中独树一帜,成为新中国非常具有影响力与开创性的艺术大师及杰出的美术教育家。 董希文的主要绘画作品有:《苗女赶场》、《哈萨克牧羊女》、《戈壁驼影》、《北平入城式》、《人民英雄纪念碑草图-武昌起义》、《开国大典》、《春到西藏》、《百万雄师下江南》、《红军过草地》、《大渡河泸定铁索桥》、《山歌》、《毛儿盖黑水姑娘》、《江孜街头》、《喜马拉雅山颂》等。 董希文的主要论文有:《从中国绘画的表现方法谈到油画中国风》、《绘画的色彩问题》、《素描基本练习对于彩墨画教学的关系》、《关于壁画的形式与制作方法》、《油画开国大典的创作经验》等。 [ 本帖最后由 哭泣的手 于 2008-9-9 17:06 编辑 ] |
发布于:2008-03-02 21:00
In memory of a Chinese contemporary oil painting artist -- Dong Xiwen
Dong Xiwen, born in Shaoxing (Zhejiang) in 1914, died of cancer during the cultural revelution in Beijing in 1973, studied in his youth in Zhijiang College, Shanghai institute of fine art, Hanoi Paris art institute, National Hangzhou art institute. He was the student of several chinese masters of fine art, such as Yan Wenliang, Liu Haisu, Lin Fengmian, Chang Shuhong, with whom he obtained a solid basis of painting and a extensive knowledge of chinese art and western art. In 1946, he was invited by Xu Beihong to Central Conservatory of Fine Art and worked there as a professor for the rest of his whole life. 未完待续 ![]() |
发布于:2008-03-02 21:25
When he was a student, for years, Dong Xiwen went into the poor rural parts in southwestern china and used the life of people living there as raw material for his painting. In 1943, he started to work as a resercher in Xibei Dunhuang Institute of Art. At that time, he surveyed and imitated a large amount of chinese mural paintings, which helped him gain the distillation and technique of chinese traditional mural art. His imitations include large quantities of antient paitings, such as "","","".
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发布于:2008-03-02 21:45
On the basis of broad-scale research of western art and profound learning of chinese traditional art, working out a fusion of chinese painting and western painting, Dong Xiwen figured out a way of "Chinese oil painting" and devoted himself to it. Being outstanding by his painting style characteristic of looking for "the soul of Chinese people", he has been recognized as one of the most creative and infusive painting artists and art educator.
Dong Xiwen's primary paintings include: """""""""""""""""""""" His important treatises include: """"""""""""""""" ![]() |