

更多 发布于:2024-09-05 09:54
Via prima salutis,Quod minimè reris, Graiâ pandetur ab urbe

But, Sir, after Parliament had adjourned,
as I have stated, we had to encounter additional charges; and I come now to
what I have called the disturbing causes which have acted on the revenue. The
necessity of making provision for the expedition to China-an expedition to be
the bearer, in the first instance, of peaceful remonstrance-cast an addition on
the votes for military expenditure, which, together with an excess in the army
expenditure in the year 1858-9, stands as follows:-Army, £900,000; Navy,
£270,000. Then has arrived the treaty with France. It is very difficult indeed
to estimate for so short a time as that which has to pass before March 31st
what the results and effects of that treaty will be upon the Customs revenue,
more especially as a question may arise with respect to certain payments which
it may be requisite to make to a limited class of persons who are affected by
some of the peculiar arrangements of that treaty. However, we have assigned
what we think an ample amount; and I have therefore to deduct from the estimate
which I have submitted to the Committee for the Customs revenue of the current
year a sum of £640,000. We, therefore, stand worse than we should have stood by
£1,170,000 for additional charges on the army expenditure, and also by £640,000
likely to be lost on our Customs receipts in consequence of the treaty with
France. The total of these two is £1,810,000, which, being deducted from the
surplus we should have had, would appear to place us on the wrong side of the
account. But deliverance has come in from a quarter from which, perhaps, it
would not have been expected."Via prima salutis, Quod minimè reris, Graiâ
pandetur ab urbe."A friendly kingdom has undertaken to pay us a debt, and
this at the very moment when she herself is engaged in war. Spain, not under
any peculiar pressure from us, but with a high sense of honour and duty, not
wishing to avail herself of the plea which, I do not hesitate to say, she might
under the circumstances have advanced for time, has remitted to us a sum in
bills which will shortly come due, of nearly £500,000, of which £250,000 will
come to the credit of the revenue before March 31st. And now, Sir, if the
Committee will take the trouble to compare the figures, it will be seen that we
set out with a probable surplus of £1,625,000; adding to that surplus the
£250,000 of which I have spoken, it becomes £1,875,000, against which we have a
charge of £1,810,000; a state of the account which will leave the Chancellor of
the Exchequer with a surplus-undoubtedly one of the narrow-816est on record,
but still a surplus not a deficit.
  • 社区居民
发布于:2024-09-05 11:16
发布于:2024-09-05 11:37
  • 社区居民
发布于:2024-09-05 22:08
