
[闲聊]French, German & Brazilian Portuguese

更多 发布于:2013-05-12 12:05
Just at beginning to study the French, German and Brazilian Portuguese. If someone have or need good resources for a beginner, welcome to share or get from here.

As I have to take my job first, only 3 hours per week can be arrange for each language. Any comments and/or experiences are highly appreciated to share in this topic.


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发布于:2013-05-14 08:35
The schedule is:
Monday: French, 1 to 2 hours
Tuesday: German, 1 to 2 hours
Tuesday: B. Portuguese, 1 to 2 hours
Wednesday: French, 1 to 2 hours
Thursday: German, 1 to 2 hours
Thursday: B. Portuguese, 1 to 2 hours
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Weekly Review, 1 hour for each
The materials for both French & German are XDF One Month Course
For Portuguese, I started by Teach Yourself - Brazilian Portuguese, 并同时以中国人学葡语和速成葡萄牙语作为辅助教材。
