font test
This is a test of the Palatino font. Italic, bold, and bold italic not tested. ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝ ΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ Ϝ αβγδεζηθικλμν ξοπρστυφχψω ς (Capital letters with circumflex alone are not legal.) ΆΈΉΊΌΎΏ ᾺῈῊῚῸῪῺ άέήίόύώ ὰὲὴὶὸὺὼ ᾶῆῖῦῶ (Capital upsilon and rho with smooth breathings are not legal characters.) ἉἙἩἹὉὙὩῬ ἈἘἨἸὈὨ ἁἑἡἱὁὑὡῥ ἀἐἠἰὀὐὠῤ ἍἝἭἽὍὝὭ ἌἜἬἼὌὬ ἅἕἥἵὅὕὥ ἄἔἤἴὄὔὤ ἋἛἫἻὋὛὫ ἊἚἪἺὊὪ ἃἓἣἳὃὓὣ ἂἒἢἲὂὒὢ ἏἯἿὟὯ ἎἮἾὮ ἇἧἷὗὧ ἆἦἶὖὦ ᾼῌῼ ᾳῃῳ ᾉᾙᾩ ᾈᾘᾨ ᾁᾑᾡ ᾀᾐᾠ ᾍᾝᾭ ᾌᾜᾬ ᾅᾕᾥ ᾄᾔᾤ ᾋᾛᾫ ᾊᾚᾪ ᾃᾓᾣ ᾂᾒᾢ ᾏᾟᾯ ᾎᾞᾮ ᾇᾗᾧ ᾆᾖᾦ (No capital letter can have a diaresis.) ϊ ϋ ΐ ΰ ῒ ῢ ῗ ῧ 或者有人用得到。 |
发布于:2009-08-29 03:12
Most characters are as you would expect, but note: eta = h, theta = q, xi = c or j, chi = x, psi = y (psy), digamma=alt+v. Medial sigma is automatically converted to final sigma as appropriate. Accent marks (select AFTER the vowel): Perseus/Tufts Beta code system (combine as you wish): / for acute, \ for grave, = for circumflex, ] for smooth, [ for rough | for iota, + for diaresis - for breve, _ for macron ` is a deadkey to pass the next character through without translation. Hitting the same accent or breathing mark that a char already has will remove it. (For capital letters, the breathing mark should be selected before other marks.) |
发布于:2009-08-29 03:13
发布于:2009-08-29 23:11
εὐχαριστέω ;
发布于:2010-04-27 13:32
在 中的Logos Biblical Greek Keyboard 是古希腊语输入法软件
发布于:2011-03-22 22:00
我下载了但是不晓得怎么用~~~安装了已经但是不晓得怎么用啊 求科普 |
发布于:2013-06-22 14:35
chenxiaopei:可以问一下么我也是 |
发布于:2014-12-05 16:20
用户被禁言,该主题自动屏蔽! |