
[语言交流]Homer, Iliad, Book 1, lines 1-52

更多 发布于:2007-04-06 19:09
  Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus? son Achilleus

  and its devistation, which put pains thousandfold upon the Achaians,

  hurled in their multitudes to the house of Hades strong souls

  of heroes, but gave their bodies to be the delicate feasting

  of dogs, of all birds, and the will of Zeus was accomplished si nce that time when first there stood in division of conflict

  Atreus? son the lord of men and brilliant Achilleus.

  What god was it then set them together in bitter collision?

  Zeus? son and Leto?s, Apollo, who in anger at the king drove

  the foul pestilence along the host, and the people perished,

  since Atreus? son had dishonoured Chryses, priest of Apollo,

  when he came beside the fast ships of the Achaians to ransom

  back his daughter, carrying gifts beyond count and holding

  in his hands wound on a staff of gold the ribbons of Apollo

  who strikes from afar, and supplicated all the Achaians,

  but above all Atreus? two sons, the marshals of the people:

  Sons of Atreus and you other strong-greaved Achaians,

  to you may the gods grant who have their homes on Olympos

  Priam?s city to be plundered and a fair homecoming thereafter,

  but may you give me back my own daughter and take the ransom,

  giving honour to Zeus? son who strikes from afar, Apollo.?

  Then all the rest of the Achaians cried out in favour

  that the priest be respected and the shining ransom be taken;

  yes this pleased not the heart of Atreus? son Agamemnon,

  but harshly he drove him away with a strong order upon him:

  ?Never let me find you again, old sir, near our hollow

  ships, neither lingering now nor coming again hereafter,

  for fear your staff and the god?s ribbon help you no longer.

  The girl I will not give back; sooner will old age come upon her

  in my own house, in Argos, far from her own land, going

  up and down by the loom and being in my bed as my companion.

  So go now, do not make me angry; so you will be safer.?

  So he spoke, and the old man in terror obeyed him

  and went silently away beside the murmuring sea beach.

  Over and over the old man prayed as he walked in solitude

  to King Apollo, whom Leto of the lovely hair bore: ?Hear me,

  lord of the silver bow who set your power about Chryse

  and Killa the sacrosanct, who are lord in strength over Tenedos,

  Smintheus, if it ever pleased your heart that I built your temple,

  if it ever pleased you that I burned all the rich thigh pieces

  of bulls, of goats, then bring to pass this wish I pray for:

  let your arrows make the Danaans pay for my tears shed.?

  So he spoke in prayer, and Phoibus Apollo heard him,

  and strode down along the pinnacles of Olympos, angered

  in his heart, carrying across his shoulders the bow and the hooded

  quiver; and the shafts clashed on the shoulders of the god walking

  angrily. He came as night comes down and knelt then

  apart and opposite the ships and let go an arrow.

  Terrible was the clash that arose from the bow of silver.

  First he went after the mules and the circling hounds, then let go

  a tearing arrow against the men themselves and struck them.

  The corpse fires burned everywhere and did not stop burning.


