克什米尔语的音系里还有印度语言中常见的齿音、龈音和卷舌音的区别,但是浊塞音的送气音已经消失。克什米尔语的名词有主格、对格、夺格和施动格。使用后置词。句子的基本词序是主语—动词—宾语,与印度语言的通例(主语—宾语—动词)不同。它的词汇来源复杂,有德尔德语、梵语、旁遮普语、波斯语的成分。克什米尔语的传统文字是沙拉达文;现在通行波斯 -阿拉伯文字。在印度教徒中,梵文天城体也在使用。 克什米尔语的文学历来受梵语、波斯语、乌尔都语文学的影响。13世纪宗教诗人希迪根特的诗作《伟大之光》是克什米尔最早的一部文学作品。14世纪时,女诗人拉尔·塔德和努鲁丁的格言诗带有宗教色彩,宣扬人类友爱、社会平等和团结,揭露宗教的清规戒律和旧习俗的虚伪。15世纪时,有不少颂扬封建王公、反映社会风尚、描绘男女爱情生活的叙事,著名的有帕达沃达尔的《巴纳苏之死》、伯勒希斯德的《哀乐之传》、默赫索姆的《杰纳传》等。16至18世纪,抒情诗接近现实生活,表现真挚的爱情和离愁,其中著名的有16世纪的女诗人赫巴·卡杜恩和18世纪的诗人阿勒尼玛勒。18世纪下半叶,文学中出现神秘主义倾向,著名的神秘主义诗人有格勒姆·布伦德□、斯沃契格拉尔、夏赫格普尔、默哈穆德·迦米等。18至19世纪出现以神话传说中罗摩与悉多、黑天与罗陀的爱情故事以及乌尔都语、阿拉伯语民间故事为题材的叙事诗,著名的有帕勒迦希·拉姆的《罗摩下凡》,伯勒玛南德的《罗陀选婿》、《苏达玛传》和《湿婆的爱恋》,默哈穆德·迦米的《尤素福和佐列哈》、《莱伊丽和马季农》,默格布尔·迦尔瓦里的《烟火》等。克什米尔有丰富的民歌民谣,反映了人民的劳动、爱情和宗教生活。著名的民歌集有《苏菲诺言》,著名的民歌诗人有19世纪的格里辛·拉吉登和纳吉姆等。19世纪末,诗歌反映现实生活,表现人民对自由的渴望。沃哈伯·帕勒、默格布尔·迦尔瓦里的讽刺诗和勒苏尔·米尔的抒情短诗开辟了克什米尔诗歌的现实主义道路。克什米尔现代文学的奠基者马赫朱尔(1885~1952),首先抛弃宫廷诗人的传统主题和艺术形式,用人民的语言描写现实生活。他的诗反对封建压迫,要求争取民族独立。他的主要作品有《我的青春》、《祖国》、《故乡的花圃》、《农家女》和《克什米尔妇女》等。他的追随者阿卜杜尔·阿赫德·阿萨德的诗不仅表达了爱国主义思想,而且主张进行社会改革,主要诗作有《江河》、《控诉恶魔》等。20世纪40、50年代,克什米尔发生新文化运动。诗人纳迪姆以及罗欣、拉希、伯勒米、阿尔默斯德·默吉布尔和皮拉加等人的诗歌表达了爱国主义思想,描绘了工农的生活,反对压迫和剥削。纳迪姆的《我的青春朝气勃勃》,拉希的《新的一天晨风》,伯勒米的《舞歌》,被认为克什米尔进步文学思潮的代表作。60年代的新老作家还写了大量“格吉尔”抒情短诗,或歌颂自由和劳动,或指责社会的弊病。这时期还有歌剧和诗剧的创作,著名的有纳迪姆和罗欣合写的歌剧《希玛尔和纳伽拉叶》,迦米尔的诗剧《太阳般的力量》。短篇小说直至40年代才开始创作,主要作家有阿赫德尔·莫希乌丁和纳迪姆等人。莫希乌丁著有短篇小说集《君子之交》。 来源:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3f70d7ea0100071u.html [ 本帖最后由 小菜菜 于 2008-7-3 18:58 编辑 ] |
最新喜欢:![]() |
发布于:2008-07-03 18:59
Kashmiri (?????, ?????) is a northern Indo-Aryan language spoken primarily in the valley of Kashmir, a region situated mostly in the Indian Jammu and Kashmir state. It has about 4,611,000 speakers. While Kashmiri belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European family of languages it is sometimes placed in a geographical sub-grouping called Dardic. It is one of the 23 officially recognised languages of India.
It is a V2 word order language. Kashmiri has remained a spoken language up to the present times, though some manuscripts were written in the past in the Sharada script, and then in Perso-Arabic script. Currently, Kashmiri is written in either the Perso-Arabic script (with some modifications) or the Devanagari script. The earliest literary composition in Kashmiri that has survived is the poetry of Lalleshvari, a 14th century mystic poetess. Literacy in Kashmiri is continuously neglected due to various political reasons and lack of formal education in it. It is now mostly relevant in its spoken form, and the speakers of this language are also decreasing in number. Note that the primary official language of the state of Jammu and Kashmir is not Kashmiri, but Urdu. In the past few decades, Kashmiri was introduced as a subject at the university and the colleges of the valley. At present, attempts are on for inclusion of Kashmiri in school curriculum. There is only one Kashmiri, though a number of literary magazines are published regularly. The Kashmiri language has a rich literary heritage. It has been the language of numerous sufi and folk poets. The songs in the Kashmiri language are called gewun /gewun/ and the chorus songs are known as wonwun /wonwun/. From:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=233292513 |
发布于:2008-07-03 19:01
Phaàn giôùi-thieäu
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kashmiri is the principal language of the state of Kashmir, long disputed between India and Pakistan. In India it is one of the official languages recognized by the constitution. Though generally considered to belong to the Indic group of Indo-European languages, Kashmiri's exact affiliation is still uncertain, and it is thought by some to constitute a separate subgroup. Latest figures show about 3 million speakers. Kashmiri is written in both the Devanagari (Hindi) and the Arabic script, each with additional diacritical marks for special sounds in the language. The former is generally used by Ilindus, the latter by Moslems. Moslem speakers of Kashmiri also tend to use many words of Persian and Arabic origin. Kashmiri ñöôïc xöû-duïng trong nhöõng quoác-gia sau ñaây: AÁn-Ñoä, Pakistan. Language Family Family: Indo-European Subgroup: Indo-Iranian Branch: Indic Maãu cuûa moät baøi vaên -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 图片:563.gif ![]() Chuyeån-dòch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the rasa circle, drunk with the wine of love, thousands of Gopis were absorbed in dancing. Holding one another's hand they shouted (repeating, Radha-Krishna! Radha-Krishna!) Bhaktas like Narada, Sudama, Shuka, Dhruva, and Prahiada were there, mad with joy—their doubts dissolved, their minds having found the truth. Trees, plants, stones opened their eyes and revealed the secrets of their innermost hearts. All in Gokal felt liberated (from bondage of earthly existence) with their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. One Krishna was with each and every soul. The species of souls present there were so many that I cannot tell their number. Among them all Krishna alone is eternal, all else is subject to disappearance (to be eliminated as not true and real). May you too, Paramananda, attain the goal! May such love continue to bless you all along! (Rejoice that) Radha as Sarasvati (Goddess of Poetry and Eloquence) has bestowed on you her grace. PARMANAND, The Dance of the Gopis From:http://www.worldlanguage.com/Vietnamese/Languages/Kashmiri.htm |
发布于:2008-07-14 20:25
发布于:2008-07-14 20:58
要不ivrit先按我们版块的命名规则,给版块取个名? 中文|英文|语种原文 要是能写个版块介绍就更好了,呵呵~ |
发布于:2008-07-17 21:56
回复 5楼 sugarcane 的帖子
印度语言/ Languages of Hindustani/ हिन्दुस्तानी भाषा 板块介绍的设想:क्या कहना आसान है करना कठिन? जी नहीं। कहना आसान है करना भी आसान। (说起来容易做起来难吗?才不是。说起来容易,做起来也容易。)本板块包括梵语、印地语、乌尔都语、孟加拉语、旁遮普语、克什米尔语、拉贾斯坦语、信德语、僧伽罗语等印度语支语言以及泰米尔语、泰卢固语等达罗毕荼语系语言。 印度语言我还只懂些印地语-乌尔都语,泰米尔语刚刚开始学,窃觉得也应该一并写上印度第二大语言孟加拉语的版本或泰米尔语版本,可惜暂时无能为力了...呵呵 ——这样可以吗? |
发布于:2008-07-18 08:57
你看看有没有什么问题? 给你发了条消息,到小窝的私信里面收下:) |
发布于:2008-07-18 13:16
![]() 不过 咱的其他板块下面的注释是不是还得改一下? 巴利语和乌尔都语都得归这边呢 ![]() 另外:Bengaliবাংলা লিপি Hindustani --[Proper noun, singular] হিন্দুস্তানী language --[Noun, singular or mass] ভাষা 在线字典查的 但是语法不了解…… 属格好像是说加个র…… 等我再找人问问 ![]() [ 本帖最后由 hongwei0315 于 2008-7-18 13:36 编辑 ] |
发布于:2008-07-18 13:38
回复 8楼 hongwei0315 的帖子
拜托了,hongwei! |
发布于:2008-07-18 17:06
回复 9楼 ivrit 的帖子
我是通过校内找我同学的同学问的 那个人在传媒学孟加拉语 呵呵
他还没给我回复呢 等给了回复 马上给你贴过来哈~~ |
发布于:2008-07-18 19:55
回复 10楼 hongwei0315 的帖子
(要告诉甘蔗哦,他会加的。) |
发布于:2008-07-19 13:03
要说完整哦,我可是一窍不通的 ![]() |
发布于:2008-07-20 21:04
回复 12楼 sugarcane 的帖子
那个孟加拉语的我还没得到结果 还得再等等~
不过关于咱们“其他”板块下面的注释…… 因为印度语言已经分离出来了 注释是不是也得改一下啦? 其他 | Others 菲律宾语、巴利语、印度尼西亚语、柬埔寨语、老挝语、缅甸语、蒙古语、乌尔都语、豪萨语、斯瓦希里语……还有更多,请您来补充^_^ 里面的巴利语和乌尔都语应该都是属于印度语言板块的~ ![]() [ 本帖最后由 hongwei0315 于 2008-7-20 21:06 编辑 ] |
发布于:2008-07-21 12:49
谢谢hognwei~~ |