旁遮普语(英文:Punjabi或Panjabi, 旁遮普语:Gurmukhī字母:??????, Shahmukhi字母:??????)属於印欧语系印度-伊朗语族的印度-雅利安语支。旁遮普语特殊的是,第一,有声调;第二,是黏着语。旁遮普语主要流通於印度的旁遮普邦和巴基斯坦的旁遮普省所以使用的语言, 也是印度旁遮普邦的官方语言。它也流通於邻近的印度哈里亚纳邦、喜马偕尔邦和德里。
当印度和巴基斯坦在1947年分裂时, 旁遮普地区、其文化和语言也被受影响。因此, 旁遮普的语言和文化也成为推动两国和平交往的一大动力。由於旁遮普人大量移居外地, 旁遮普语是世界上很多地方常见的少数语言, 包括英国, 美国、加拿大(更成为加拿大的第五大语言)和肯尼亚。 跟其他北方印度语言一样, 旁遮普语是演化自梵语。旁遮普语又会分为西旁遮普语、Lehnda(??????)或Lahnda(??????)和东旁遮普语。Siraiki和Hindko通常也被视为旁遮普语的方言。 旁遮普语是锡克教的神圣语言, 锡克教的经典Guru Granth Sahib都是以旁遮普语写成的。旁遮普语也是印巴地区北部流行的Bhangra音乐的主要语言。 现代的旁遮普语的词汇受到其他语言的影响, 其中包括印地语、波斯语和英语。海外的旁遮普人也有从西班牙语和荷兰语借来新的词汇。一种新的旁遮语分支, 称为Diaspora Punjabi, 正在发展当中, 而且不断跟印度次大陆上的旁遮普语显出分别。 旁遮普语有几套不同的书写系统, 其使用情况因应不同地区、方言和宗教信仰而有所不同。锡克教信徒倾向使用Gurmukhī字母。其他省份的印度教信徒多会使用天城文字母. Gurmukhī和Shahmukhi 字母是旁遮普语最常用的两种书写字母, 也往往被视为官方的字母。 |
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发布于:2008-07-03 19:25
巴基斯坦东北部的省。东界印度。面积20.53万平方公里。人口5,046万,人口密度居全国首位;居民大部分为旁遮普人。首府拉合尔。西北为博德瓦尔高原,东南为塔尔沙漠和半沙漠地,其余为旁遮普冲积平原。大陆性气候,干旱少雨,年雨量125—500毫米。开发历史悠久,公元前2000多年已有村镇。十九世纪后,人工灌渠密布,四分之三耕地可灌溉。1974年建成8条连接运河的西水东调综合治理工程。全国主要农业区。耕地占全国65%,小麦产量占全国70%以上,棉花占60%以上,水稻占50%。工业发达,有纺织、机械、电器、金属加工等。矿产有煤、岩盐、石膏等。交通发达,以拉合尔为中心,铁路、公路通全国各地。 |
发布于:2008-07-03 19:24
0 ਸਿਫਕ 1 ਇੱਕ 2 ਦੋ 3 ਤਿੰਨ 4 ਚਾਰ 5 ਪੰਜ 6 ਛੇ 7 ਸਪਤ 8 ਅੱਠ 9 ਨੋਂ 10 ਦਸ 11 ਯਾਰਾੰ 12 ਬਾਰਾਂ 20 ਵੀਹ 30 ਤੀਹ 40 ਚਾਲੀਂ 50 ਪੰਜਾਸ 60 ਸਠ 70 ਸੱਤਰ 80 ਅੱਸੀ 90 ਨਵੇ 100 ਸੌ 1000 ਹਜਾਰ 100,0000 ਦਸ ਲਾਖ 古吉拉特语(Gujarati)基数词: 0 શૂન્ય 1 ઍક 2 ખે 3 ત્રણ 4 ચાર 5 પાંચ 6 છ 7 સાત 8 આઠ 9 નવ 10 દશ 11 અગિયાર 12 બાર 20 વીસ 30 ત્રીસ 40 ચાળીસ 50 પચાસ 60 સાઠ 70 સિત્તેર 80 એંશી 90 નેવું 100 એજસો ; શત 1000 હજાર 100,0000 દશ લાખ 来源:http://hi.baidu.com/purplenobility/blog/item/c0c49716af3ac21b972b43a0.html |
发布于:2008-07-03 19:23
[indent]Punjabi, often spelled Panjabi, is spoken in the Punjab, the historic region now divided between India and Pakistan. In Pakistan it is the daily language of about two-thirds of the population, or 80 million people, though Urdu is the offical language of the country. In India it is the offical language of Punjab state, and is also spoken in the neighboring states of Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. In addition about 25 percent of the people living in the New Delhi metropolitan area speak punjabi in everyday life. All told, there are about 25 million speakers in India. Different dialects of Punjabi are spoken in India and Pakistan. The most prominent of these are Lehnda (or Lehndi), of Pakistan, as well as Majhi, Koabi, and Malwai. The Punjabi language is closely associated with the Sikh religion. Its alphabet, known as Gurmukhi, was the vehicle for recording the teachings of the Sikh gurus. It was invented by the second of the gurus in the 16th century. Gurmukhi means "proceeding from the mouth of the Guru." In Pakistan Punjabi, lie Urdu, is written in the Perso-Arabic script. However, most offical correspondence in Pakistan is done in the Urdu language.
[/indent] 旁遮普语在以下国家使用: [indent]巴基斯坦, 加拿大, 印度. [/indent] Language Family [indent] ![]() ![]() ![]() [/indent] copyright & copy Kenneth Katzner, 世界的语言, 由Routledge出版。 写作范例 图片:59.gif ![]() 翻译 [indent]Sing ye, my comrades, now my wedding song! In the Temple House where saints sing His Name, where saintly hearts glow all day and night with His Love, Sing ye, my comrades, now the song of His Praise! Sing the song my Creator! I fain would be a sacrifice for the harmony divine that giveth everlasting peace! My Lord careth for the smallest life, The Bounteous Giver meets the needs of each, No arithmetic can count His gifts, Naught is it that we can render unto Him. The Auspicious Day has dawned! The Hour is fixed for my wedding with my Lord! Come, comrades! Assemble and make rejoicings, Anoint the Bride with oil and pour on her your blessings! Comrades! Pray, the Bride may meet her Lord! This message to every human being! This call is for all. O Man! Remember Him who calls! —Adi Granth (Holy Book of Sikhism) [/indent] |
发布于:2008-07-03 19:14
Learn Punjabi - - Punjaabii sikhan vaaste aasaan sabak. 学习旁遮普语 -- pu njaabiisi khanva asteaa saansa bak。
ThePunjabi.com - - Punjaabii diiyan kitaabaan pad. thepunjabi.com -- pu njaabiidi iyanki taabaan垫。
Ukindia Panjaabii Paath - - Panjaabii bhaashaa bolanii ate likhanii sikhkho. ukindia panjaabii paath -- pa njaabiibh aashaabo lanii吃l i khaniisi khkho。
from:http://www.fbnews.net/chinese.php?u=internet_search/index.php%3Fbrowse%3D/World/Punjabi/Hawaalaa/ [ 本帖最后由 小菜菜 于 2008-7-3 19:21 编辑 ] |
发布于:2008-07-03 19:12
Northern Zone: Dogri
As classified in SIL Ethnologue: └Indo-Aryan └Northern zone └Western Pahari └Dogri [dgo] └Central zone └Eastern Punjabi [pan] └Northwestern zone └Lahnda [lah] ├Jakati [jat] ├Mirpur Punjabi [pmu] ├Northern Hindko [hno] ├Pahari-Potwari [phr] ├Siraiki [skr] ├Southern Hindko [hnd] └Western Punjabi [pnb] [edit]Western and Eastern Punjabi Many sources subdivide the Punjabi language into Western Punjabi or Lahndi (??????), and Eastern Punjabi. They tend to do so based on GA Grierson's Linguistic Survey of India. The decision to divide the language has been controversial. The exact division of the language and even the legitimacy of such a division is disputed. The dialect spoken in central Punjab — on both the Indian and Pakistani side — is Majhi. Grierson defined Western Punjabi as being west of a line running north-south from Sahiwal and Gujranwala districts. This is well within present day Pakistan.[6] Contrary to this, Ethnologue has come to classify Lahndi as the dialect of Punjabi spoken in all of Pakistan. [edit]Vocabulary Modern Punjabi vocabulary has been influenced by other languages, including Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and Sanskrit. Much like English, Punjabi has moved around the world and developed local forms by integrating local vocabulary. While most loanwords come from Urdu, Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit, Punjabi emigrants around the world have integrated terms from such languages as English,Spanish and Dutch. A distinctive "Diaspora Punjabi" is thus emerging. As there is no formal consensus over vocabulary and spelling in Punjabi, it is likely that Diaspora Punjabi will increasingly deviate from the forms found on the IndoPak Subcontinent in the future.[citation needed] [edit]Phonology Vowels Front Central Back High i, i? u, u? High-mid e o Low-mid ae ? ? Low a? Consonants Bilabial Labio- dental Dental Alveolar Retroflex Post-alveolar/ Palatal Velar Glottal Stop p p? b t? t?? d? ? ?? ? k k? g Affricate ? ?? ? Nasal m n ? ? ? Fricative (f) s (z) (?) h Tap or Flap ? ? Approximants ? j Lateral approximant l ? [edit]Writing system There are several different scripts used for writing the Punjabi language, depending on the region and the dialect spoken, as well as the religion of the speaker. The script used for writing Punjabi in the Punjab province of Pakistan is known as Shahmukhi (from the mouth of the Kings) which is a modified version of Persian-Nasta'liq script. Sikhs and others in the Indian state of Punjab use the Gurmukhī (from the mouth of the Gurus) script. Hindus, and those living in neighbouring states such as Haryana and Himachal Pradesh sometimes use the Devanāgarī script. Gurmukhī and Shahmukhi scripts are the most commonly used for writing Punjabi and are considered the official scripts of the language. [edit]Examples English Gurmukhi Shahmukhi Transliteration Notes Hello ??? ???? ???? ?????/?????? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?????/?????? ?????? ????? Sat Srī Akāl (Sikh) Namastē/Namaskār (Hindu) As'salām Alaikam (Muslim) The greeting used depends on the religion of the speaker and the person being spoken to. Note there is a short and long form of hello for Sikh. Yes (Informal) ???, ??? ??? Hān Yes (Formal) ??? ?? ??? ?? Hān Jī No (Informal) ???? ???? Nāhī No (Formal) ???? ?? ???? ?? Nahī Jī My name is ___. ???? ??? ___ ?? ? ???? ??? ___ ??? Mērā Nām ___ Hē? My ???? ? ???? Mērā |
发布于:2008-07-03 19:11
“Punjabi” redirects here. For other uses, see Punjabi (disambiguation).
Punjabi (also Panjabi; ?????? in Gurmukhī, ?????? in Shāhmukhī, Pa?jābī in transliteration) is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by the Punjabi people in India, Pakistan and other parts of the world. It is an Indo-European language within the Indic branch of the Indo-Iranian subfamily. The language seems to be a sister language to Sindhi and Serieki. Unusually for an Indo-European language, Punjabi is tonal; the tones arose as a reinterpretation of different consonant series in terms of pitch. In terms of morphological complexity, it is an agglutinative language[1] (also very unusual for an Indo-European language, most of which are inflecting) and words are usually ordered 'Subject Object Verb'. Contents [hide] 1 Dialects and geographic distribution 2 Western and Eastern Punjabi 3 Vocabulary 4 Phonology 5 Writing system 6 Examples 7 Notable authors 8 See also 9 References 10 External links [edit]Dialects and geographic distribution Punjabi is the official language of the Indian state of Punjab and the shared state capital Chandigarh. It is one of the second official languages of Delhi and Haryana.[2] It is also spoken in neighbouring areas such as Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. Punjabi is the predominantly spoken language in the Punjab province of Pakistan (and the most widely spoken language in Pakistan according to the CIA factbook), although it has no official status there, and both Urdu and English are preferred languages of the elite. Punjabi is also spoken as a minority language in several other countries where Punjabis have emigrated in large numbers such as the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom (where it is the second most commonly used language[3]) and Canada (where it is the fifth most commonly used language[4]). Punjabi is the sacred language of the Sikhs, in which their religious literature is written. It is the usual language of Bhangra music, which has recently gained wide popularity both in South Asia and abroad. There are many dialects of Punjabi and they all form part of a dialect continuum, merging with Sindhi and related languages in Pakistan, and Hindustani in India. The main dialects of Punjabi are Lahori, Doabi, Malwai and Powadhi in India, and Pothohari, Lahndi and Multani in Pakistan. Lahori is the standard written form of Punjabi. Punjabi University, Patiala, lists the following as dialects of Punjabi:[5] Bhattiani Rathi Malwai Powadhi Pahari Doabi Kangri Chambiali Dogri Wajeerawadi Baar di Boli Jangli Jatki Chenavri Multani Bhawalpuri Thalochri Thali Bherochi Amritsar-Lahore Kachi Awankari Dhani Ghebi Hindko Swaen Chacchi Pothohari Punchi Some of these dialects, such as Dogri, Siraiki and Hindko are sometimes considered separate languages, and are classified in different zones or divisions of Indo-Aryan: Eastern (Central Zone): Bhattiani (a mixture of Punjabi and Rajasthani), Powadhi, Doabi, Malwai, Majhi, Bathi Western (Northwestern Zone, Lahndi): Multani, Hindko, Pahari, Pothohari |
发布于:2008-07-03 19:11