意大利弗留利-威尼斯朱利亚大区Friuli-Venezia Giulia所讲的方言,属于列托-罗曼斯语语支,历史语言学家Graziadio Isaia Ascoli认为弗留利语,拉迪恩语,罗曼什语属于同一语族。 [弗留利语]神曲La Divina Comèdia.doc 以下都是弗留利语资料,精通意大利语的都不难理解,通过词根就能知道词义。 弗留利语词典Vocabolario Furlan.pdf 弗留利语语法Dal dialet a la lenghe.pdf 弗留利语语法La grafie uficial de lenghe furlane.pdf 弗留利语语音Gramatiche Fonetiche.pdf 下面是维基简介: Friulian or Friulan ( ![]() History[edit] ![]() In Friulian there are also a lot of German, Slovenian and Venetian words. From that evidence, scholars today agree that the formation of Friulian dates back to around 1000, at the same time as other dialects derived from Latin (see Vulgar Latin). The first written records of Friulian have been found in administrative acts of the 13th century, but the documents became more frequent in the following century, when literary works also emerged (Frammenti letterari for example). The main centre at that time was Cividale. The Friulian language has never acquired official status: legal statutes were first written in Latin, then in Venetian and finally in Italian. The "Ladin Question"[edit] ![]() Areas[edit] Italy[edit] World[edit] Friuli was, until the 1960s, an area of deep poverty, causing a large number of Friulian speakers to emigrate. Most went to France, Belgium, andSwitzerland or outside Europe, to Canada, Mexico, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, the United States, and South Africa. In those countries, there are associations of Friulian immigrants (called Fogolâr furlan) that try to protect their traditions and language. Literature[edit] The first texts in Friulian date back to the 13th century and are mainly commercial or juridical acts. The examples show that Friulian was used together with Latin, which was still the administrative language. The main examples of literature that have survived (much from this period has been lost) are poems from the 14th century and are usually dedicated to the theme of love and are probably inspired by the Italian poetic movementDolce Stil Novo. The most notable work is Piruç myò doç inculurit (which means "My sweet, coloured pear"); it was composed by an anonymous author from Cividale del Friuli, probably in 1380. [table][tr][td]Original text[/td][td]Version in modern Friulian[/td][/tr][tr][td]Piruç myò doç inculurit quant yò chi viot, dut stoi ardit[/td][td]Piruç gno dolç inculurît cuant che jo ti viôt, dut o stoi ardît[/td][/tr][/table]There are few differences in the first two rows, which demonstrates that there has not been a great evolution in the language except for several words which are no longer used (for example, dum(n) lo, a word which means "child", which was used to be more frequently). A modern Friulian speaker can understand these texts with only a little difficulty. The second important period for Friulian literature is the 16th century. The main author of this period was Ermes di Colorêt, who composed over 200 poems. [table]Notable poets and writers[tr][td]Name[/td][td]Century[/td][/tr][tr][td]Ermes di Colorêt[/td][td]16th[/td][/tr][tr][td]Pietro Zorutti[/td][td]19th[/td][/tr][tr][td]Pier Paolo Pasolini[/td][td]20th[/td][/tr][/table] Phonology[edit] [table=1,#fbfbfb,#aaaaaa,1,rgb(170, 170, 170)][tr][td] ![]() Friulian distinguishes between short and long vowels: in the following minimal pairs (long vowels are marked in the official orthography with a circumflex accent): lat (milk)lât (gone)fis (fixed, dense)fîs (sons)lus (luxury)lûs (light n.)Friulian dialects differ in their treatment of long vowels. In certain dialects, some of the long vowels are actually diphthongs. The following chart shows how four words (sêt thirst, pît foot, pôc (a) little, fûc fire) are pronounced in four dialects. Each dialect uses a unique pattern of diphthongs (yellow) and monophthongs (blue) for the long vowels: [table][tr][td][/td][td]West[/td][td]Codroipo[/td][td]Carnia[/td][td]Central[/td][/tr][tr][td]sêt[/td][td][seit][/td][td][seːt][/td][td][seit][/td][td][seːt][/td][/tr][tr][td]pît[/td][td][peit][/td][td][peit][/td][td][piːt][/td][td][piːt][/td][/tr][tr][td]pôc[/td][td][pouk][/td][td][poːk][/td][td][pouk][/td][td][poːk][/td][/tr][tr][td]fûc[/td][td][fouk][/td][td][fouk][/td][td][fuːk][/td][td][fuːk][/td][/tr][/table]Long consonants (ll, rr, and so on), frequently used in Italian, are usually absent in Friulian. Morphology[edit] Friulian is quite different from Italian in its morphology, and, as a Gallo-Romance language, is in many respects closer to French. Nouns[edit] In Friulian as in other Romance languages, nouns are either masculine or feminine (for example "il mûr" ("the wall", masculine), "la cjadree" ("the chair", feminine). Feminine[edit] Most feminine nouns end in -e, which is pronounced, unlike in French: Examples:
Masculine[edit] Most masculine nouns end either in a consonant or in -i.
There are also a number of masculine nouns borrowed intact from Italian, with a final -o like treno (train). Many of the words have been fully absorbed into the language and even form their plurals with the regular Friulian -s rather than the Italian -i. Still, there are some purists, including those influential in Friulian publishing, who frown on such words and insist that the "proper" Friulian terms should be without the final -o. Despite the fact that one almost always hears treno, it is almost always written tren. Articles[edit] The Friulian definite article (which corresponds to "the" in English) is derived from the Latin ille and takes the following forms: [table]Definite articles[tr][td]Number[/td][td]Masculine[/td][td]Feminine[/td][/tr][tr][td]Singular[/td][td]el[/td][td]le[/td][/tr][tr][td]Plural[/td][td]i[/td][td]les[/td][/tr][/table]Before a vowel, both il and la can be abbreviated to l'[example needed] in the standard forms. In the spoken language, various other articles are used.[5] The indefinite article in Friulian (which corresponds to "a" and an in English) derives from the Latin unus and varies according to gender: [table]Indefinite articles[tr][td]Masculine[/td][td]un[/td][/tr][tr][td]Feminine[/td][td]une[/td][/tr][/table]An invariable partitive article also exists: des: des vacjis – some cows. Adjectives[edit] A Friulian adjective must agree in gender and number with the noun it qualifies. Most adjectives have four forms for singular (masculine and feminine) and plural (masculine and feminine): [table]Declination[tr][td]Number[/td][td]Masculine[/td][td]Feminine[/td][/tr][tr][td]Singular[/td][td]brut[/td][td]brute[/td][/tr][tr][td]Plural[/td][td]bruts[/td][td]brutis[/td][/tr][/table]Note that in some areas, the feminine is pronounced with different vowels: plural brutes, brutas, or singular bruta, bruto. To form the plural, the normal rules are followed, but given the feminine us formed in sever ways from the masculine:
Plurals[edit] To form the plural of masculine and feminine nouns ending in -e, the -e is changed to -is.
Exceptions[edit] Masculine nouns ending in -l or -li form their plurals by dropping the -l or -li and adding -i.
Clitic subject pronouns[edit] A feature of Friulian are the clitic subject pronouns. Known in Friulian as pleonastics, are never stressed; they are used together with the verbs to express the subject and can be found before the verb in declarative sentences or immediately after it in case of interrogative or vocative (optative) sentences. [table]Weak pronouns[tr][td][/td][td]Declaration[/td][td]Question[/td][td]Invocation[/td][/tr][tr][td]I[/td][td]o[/td][td]-io[/td][td]-io[/td][/tr][tr][td]You[/td][td]tu[/td][td]-tu[/td][td]-tu[/td][/tr][tr][td]He[/td][td]al[/td][td]-ial[/td][td]-ial[/td][/tr][tr][td]She[/td][td]e[/td][td]-ie[/td][td]-ie[/td][/tr][tr][td]We[/td][td]o[/td][td]-o[/td][td]-o[/td][/tr][tr][td]You[/td][td]o[/td][td]-o[/td][td]-o[/td][/tr][tr][td]They[/td][td]-a[/td][td]-o[/td][td]-o[/td][/tr][/table]An example: jo o lavori means "I work"; jo lavorio? means "Do I work?", while lavorassio means "I wish I worked". Verbs[edit]
Adverbs[edit] An adjective can be made into an adverb by adding -mentri to the ending of the feminine singular form of the adjective (lente becomes lentementri, slowly), but it can sometimes[6] lose the -e of the adjective (facile becomesfacilmentri, easily). It is more common in the written language; in the spoken language people use frequently other forms or locutions (a planc for slowly). Vocabulary[edit] Most vocabulary is derived from Latin, with substantial phonological and morphological changes throughout its history. Therefore, many words are shared with Romance languages,[7] but other languages have contributed:
Present condition[edit] Nowadays, Friulian is officially recognized in Italy, supported by law 482/1999, which protects linguistic minorities. Therefore, optional teaching of Friulian has been introduced in many primary schools. An online newspaper is active, and there are also a number of musical groups singing in Friulian and some theatrical companies. Recently, two movies have been made in Friulian (Tierç lion, Lidrîs cuadrade di trê), with positive reviews in Italian newspapers. In about 40% of the communities in the Province of Udine, road signs are in both Friulian and Italian. There is also an official translation of the Bible. In 2005, a notable brand of beer used Friulian for one of its commercials. The main association to foster the use and development of Friulian is the Societât filologjiche furlane, founded in Gorizia in 1919. Toponyms[edit] Main article: List of Friulian place names ![]() Standardisation[edit] A challenge that Friulian shares with other minorities is to create a standard language and a unique writing system. The regional law 15/1996 approved a standard orthography, which represents the basis of a common variant and should be used in toponyms, official acts, written documents. The standard is based on Central Friulian, which was traditionally the language used in literature already in 1700 and afterwards (the biggest examples are probably Pieri Çorut's works) but with some changes:
Criticism[edit] There have been several critics of the standardisation of Friulian, mainly from speakers of local variants that differ substantially from the proposed standard; they also argue that the standard could eventually kill local variants. The supporters of standardisation refer to the various advantages that a unique form can bring to the language. Above all, it can help to stop the influence of Italian language in the neologisms, which pose a serious threat to Friulian's future development. They also point out that it is a written standard without affecting pronunciation, which can follow local variants. Opponents of the standardisation, on the other hand, insist that the standard language, being artificially created, is totally inadequate to represent the local variations, particularly from differences in the phonetic pronunciation of the words in each variant that may, in some cases, even require special and different diacritics for writing a single variant. Variants of Friulian[edit] Four dialects of Friulian can be at least distinguished, all mutually intelligible. They are usually distinguished by the last vowel of many parts of speech (including nouns, adjectives, adverbs), following this scheme:
In the 13th century, early literary works in Friulian were based on the language spoken in Cividale del Friuli, which was the most important town in Friuli. The endings in -o, which, interestingly, now is restricted to some villages in Carnia. Later, the main city of Friuli became Udine and the most common ending was -a; only from the 16th century on, -e endings were used in standard Friulian. Writing systems[edit] [table=1,#fbfbfb,#aaaaaa,1,rgb(170, 170, 170)][tr][td] ![]() ![]() Aa Bb Cc Çç Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv ZzThere are also grave accents (à, è, ì, ò and ù) and circumflex accents (â, ê, î, ô, and û), which are put above the vowels to distinguish between homophonic words or to show stress (the former) and show long vowels (the latter). Other systems[edit] An alternative system is called Faggin-Nazzi from the names of the scholars who proposed it. It is less common, probably also because it is more difficult for a beginner for its use of letters, such as č, that are typical of Slavic languages but seem foreign to native Italian speakers. Examples[edit]
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