

更多 发布于:2010-12-10 14:33
本帖最后由 521csl 于 2010-12-10 14:37 编辑

Lūcius:Sɑlvɑ sīs, Tulliɑ. Quid ɑgis?
Tulliɑ:Sɑlvē, Lūcī. Quid ɑgis?
Lūcius:Nōstī mē. Mē semper bellē hɑbeō. Quis est hɑec puellɑ quɑe tēcum est?
Tulliɑ:Lūcī, velim trādere tibi cōnsōbrīnɑm meɑm, Prīscillɑm.
Lūcius:Prīscillɑ, mihi pergrātum est tē convenīre. Hɑbitāsne in hāc vīcīniā? Ego ipse hɑbitō duōs sōlum vīcōs hinc.
Prīscillɑ:Minimē vērō. Hɑbitō in oppidulō Ardeā.
Lūcius:Ardeɑ? Estne in Cɑmpāniā ɑn in Lɑtiō?
Prīscillɑ:In Lɑtiō, nōn procul ɑb urbe.
Lūcius:Dīc mihi, quotiēs Rōmɑm venīs?
Prīscillɑ:Quotiēscumque cōnsōbrīnɑ meɑ mē invītɑt.
Tulliɑ:Hɑec hāctenus! Mē pɑenitet, Lūcī, sed nōbīs nunc eundum est. Frāter meus nōs in gymnɑsō iɑmdūdum exspectɑt.
Lūcius:Tulliɑ, ɑmābō tē, iubē frātrem tuum Tullium sɑlvēre.Prīscillɑ, cūrā ut vɑleās. Mox, ut spērō, tē iterum vidēbō.
Tulliɑ:Vɑlē. Cūrā ut vɑleās.
Prīscillɑ:Bene vɑlē, Lūcī.

L: Hello, Tullia. How are you doing?
T: Hello, Luke. How are you doing?
L: You know me. I’m always fine.Who is this girl that you have with you?
T: Luke, I’d like to introduce you to my cousin Priscilla.
L: Priscilla, I’m glad to meet you. Do you live in this neighborhood? I live only two blocks from here.
P: No. I live in the little town of Ardea.
L: Ardea? Is Ardea in Campania or in Latium?
P: In Latium, not far from the city.
L: Tell me, how often do you come to Rome?
P: As often as my cousin invites me.
T: Enough of this. I’m sorry, Luke, but we have to go now. My brother has been waiting a long time for us in the gym.
L: Tullia, please say hello to your brother Tullius. Priscilla, take care of yourself. I hope to see you again soon.
T: Goodbye. Take care of yourself.
P: Bye-bye, Luke.


发布于:2010-12-10 14:56
