忘了哪裡見過說,å(a上有一小圓圈)標示離格,如 agricolå
還有就是用了德語的ß(es-zet,清s),表示ss雙寫 盧恩字母的Þ,也歸到拉丁字母的行列 諸如 æ œ 長s Ð ð …… & c. |
发布于:2014-02-16 09:50
发布于:2014-02-16 16:03
å 在斯堪地那維亞語支裡常見,發音與英語的 o 相似,是古日耳曼語的 aa au 演化來的。
拉丁語只有少數教材這麼寫,大多數教材通常長音都是在元音上加個槓槓,例如 ā 。 德語的 ß 是在高地德語輔音音變時產生的,原本德語詞尾的/t/變音成 ss 或 tz ,書寫上開始把兩個字母結合。 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%9F 盧恩文的 Þ 就是/θ/這個音,由於冰島語及法羅語使用,因此被歸類在拉丁文中。 æ œ 明顯就是元音字母的結合,據說晚期拉丁語這兩個字母的發音就和德語的 ä ö 相似。 Ð ð 是日耳曼語族以拉丁字母為基礎自創的字母。 |
发布于:2014-02-25 23:44
发布于:2014-08-19 15:13
发布于:2014-08-19 21:37
ECUMENICAL:ß与β回到原帖德語字母和希臘字母,兩個不同的 |
发布于:2014-08-20 15:31
关于ß: It was also in use for Latin during the Medieval and Renaissance time, until the 18th century. E.g.: clarißimus - clarissimus - the brightest; eße - ĕsse - to be; amavißet - amavisset and so on. 关于Æ: In Classical Latin, the combination AE denotes the diphthong [ai̯], which had a value similar to the long i in fine as pronounced in most dialects of modern English. Both classical and present practice is to write the letters separately, but the ligature was used in medieval and early modern writings in part because æ was reduced to the simple vowel [ɛ] in the imperial period. In some medieval scripts, the ligature was simplified to ę, small letter e with ogonek, the e caudata. This form further simplified into a plain e, which may have influenced or been influenced by the pronunciation change. However, the ligature is still relatively common in liturgical books and musical scores. 关于Đ: Đ was used in Medieval Latin to mark abbreviations of words containing the letter d. For example, hđum could stand for heredum "of the heirs". Similar crossbars were added to other letters to form abbreviations. 关于长S: The long s was derived from the old Roman cursive medial s. When the distinction between majuscule (uppercase) and minuscule (lowercase) letter forms became established, toward the end of the eighth century, it developed a more vertical form. [...] The long s disappeared from new fonts rapidly in the mid-1790s, and most printers who could afford to do so had discarded older fonts by the early years of the 19th century. Þ被视为拉丁字母。但是,真正的拉丁文用到过这个吗?楼主可以给我们举例。 [Tyzeka于2014-08-20 15:42编辑了帖子]
发布于:2014-08-20 19:45
发布于:2014-08-23 23:21