Javanese Ianguage 图片:f536e966c2a85deb03a2bd402598963e.jpg ![]() 印度尼西亚人数最多的民族──爪哇族──的语言。属南岛语系印度尼西亚语族。分布于爪哇岛中部、东部以及印度尼西亚西部部分沿海地区,使用人口约6000万。 爪哇语的历史一般分为 3个时期:12~13世纪为古爪哇语;14~17世纪为中古爪哇语;17世纪起为现代爪哇语。古代爪哇语深受梵语的影响。伊斯兰教传入印度尼西亚之后,使用阿拉伯字母。荷兰人侵占印度尼西亚后,改用拉丁字母(见图)。爪哇语有6个元音,20个辅音。重音落在单词的倒数第二个音节上。爪哇语是分析型语言,句法关系由功能词和词序表示。句子的基本结构是主语──谓语──宾语。定语一般在名词之后,状语在动词之后。有大量马来语、梵语、阿拉伯语、汉语、葡萄牙语、荷兰语及英语借词。 |
发布于:2008-10-28 19:33
爪哇语是一种非常有文化内涵的语言,只是曲高和寡,再加上难学,现在爪哇人中能说好这种语言的也所剩无几了,特别是年青人,只会说这种语言中的最粗俗简单的一种BAHASA KASAR。BAHASA HALUS可能只有部分年长的人会,另外还有一种宫廷语言可能只有个别专家才会吧。倒是不少西方人跑到爪哇学习这种被本族人遗弃的语言和文化。
发布于:2008-06-26 09:14
现在南岛语系语言总人数有二亿多,他们的祖先是生活在中国大陆东南沿海地区,在公元前二千纪至一千纪之间汉族人开始南侵的同时,他们的航海技术也发展到了一定的水平,开始向海外移居,在其后的二千年间,遍布了太平洋和印度洋。 南岛语系分为以下几类: 印度尼西亚语族---印度尼西亚语、马来语、爪哇语、他加禄语、占语、马达加斯加语、米沙鄢语、马都拉语、米南卡包语、阿钦尼语、巴塔克语、布金语、巴林语、依洛卡塔语、比科尔语、邦板牙语、帮阿西楠语、依戈罗语、马拉瑙语、爪雷语; 密克罗尼西亚语族---马绍尔语、吉尔伯特语、查莫罗语、波纳佩语、雅普语、帕拉乌语、特鲁克语、瑙鲁语; 美拉尼西亚语族的斐济语、莫图语、雅比姆语; 波里尼西亚语族的毛利语、乌维亚语、萨摩亚语、汤加语、钮埃语、拉罗通加语、塔西提语、土阿莫图语、马克萨斯语、夏威 夷语。 中国台湾省的高山族使用排湾、阿眉斯、布嫩、鲁凯、赛设特、卑南、邵、泰耶尔、赛德、邹、沙阿鲁阿、卡那卡那布等语言,属于印度尼西亚语族。 新几内亚,面积81万多公里2,其中新几内亚(亦称伊里安岛或巴布亚岛)的面积为78.5万公里2,居民多美拉尼西亚人和巴布亚人。东部居民讲美拉尼西亚语(莫图语)和皮钦英语,西部居民通用马来语。 美拉尼西亚意为“黑人群岛”,位于澳大利亚东北、赤道同南回归线之间。陆地总面积15.5万公里2,居民是美拉尼西亚人,当地居民通用美拉尼西亚语,英语为官方语言。主要有俾斯麦群岛(属于巴布亚新几内亚)、所罗门群岛、圣克鲁斯群岛-新赫布里底群岛(属于瓦努阿图, 比斯拉马语)、新喀里多尼亚岛(属于法国)、斐济群岛。 密克罗尼西亚意为“小岛群岛”,陆地总面积2584公里2,居民主要是密克罗尼西亚人,主要有马里亚纳群岛(属于美国,查莫罗语)、加罗林群岛(属于帕劳和密克罗尼西亚联邦, 特鲁克语--波纳佩语-雅普语-特鲁克语)、马绍尔群岛、瑙鲁岛、吉尔伯特群岛(属于基里巴斯)等。 波利尼西亚意为“多岛群岛”,陆地总面积2万公里2,居民主要是波利尼西亚人,主要有威克岛-中途岛-夏威夷群岛-约翰斯顿岛(属于美国)、菲尼克斯群岛(属于基里巴斯)、图瓦卢群岛、托克劳群岛(属于新西兰)、瓦利斯群岛-富图纳群岛(属于法国)、萨摩亚群岛(西萨摩亚已经独立,东萨摩亚仍为美国占领)、纽埃岛(属于新西兰)、汤加群岛、库克群岛(属于新西兰, 拉罗通加语)、莱恩群岛(属于基里巴斯)、法属波利尼西亚、皮特凯恩群岛(属于英国)。 法属波利尼西亚包括社会群岛(塔西提语)、土布艾群岛、土阿莫土群岛、马克萨斯群岛、甘比尔群岛、马罗蒂里群岛(巴斯群岛)、拉帕岛等。 参考资料 世界民族的语言http://www.douban.com/group/topic/1007547/ |
发布于:2008-06-26 09:10
Javanese is spoken in the central and eastern parts of Java, the most populous island of the Republic of Indonesia. A member of the Malayo-Polynesian family, it has about 75 million speakers. The traditional Javanese script is of ancient origin, having been brought to Java from southern India more than a thousand years ago. The passage below appears first in the Javanese, then in the Roman script to which it is gradually yielding ground.
爪哇语在以下国家使用: 苏里南, 印尼. Language Family Family: Malayo-Polynesian Subgroup: Indonesian 写作范例 图片:562.gif ![]() 翻译 If you do not understand all these teachings perfectly, do not presume to boast of possessing the knowledge they contain. He who does shall incur wrath, my friend. For only he who has first mastered them completely has the right to consider them his own. |
发布于:2008-06-26 09:07
现时爪哇语采用拉丁字母,但过去曾经采用一种很特别的爪哇文字来记录他们的语言。 简介 爪哇语是一种南岛语系的语言,属於马来-波里尼西亚语族西马来-波里尼西亚语群的巽他语支,是爪哇岛东部、中部和西部北岸的主要语言。它与马来语、巽他语、峇里语、曼德勒语等语言的关系较密切,与苏门答腊语、婆罗洲诸语、菲律宾语等的关系较疏。 |
发布于:2008-06-26 09:00
Javanese alphabet
The earliest known writing in Javanese dates from the 4th Century AD, at which time Javanese was written with the Pallava alphabet. By the 10th Century, the Kawi alphabet, which developed from Pallava, had a distinct Javanese form. By the 17th Century, the Javanese alphabet, also known as tjarakan or carakan, had developed into its current form. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia between 1942 and 1945, the alphabet was prohibited. For a period from the 15th Century onwards, Javanese was also written with a version of the Arabic alphabet, called pégon or gundil. Since the Dutch introduced the Latin alphabet to Indonesia in the 19th Century, the Javanese alphabet has gradually been supplanted. Today it is used almost exclusively by scholars and for decoration. Those who can read and write it are held in high esteem. Notable features Javanese is a syllabic alphabet - each letter has an inherent vowel /a/. Other vowels can be indicated using a variety of diacritics which appear above, below, in front of or after the main letter. Each consonants has two forms: the aksara form is used at the beginning of a syllable, while the pasangan form, which usually appears below the aksara form, is used for the second consonant of a consonant cluster and mutes the vowel of the aksara. There are a number of special letters called aksara murda or aksara gedhe (great or important letters) which are used for honorific purposes, such as to write the names of respected people. The order of the consonants makes the following saying, "Hana caraka, data sawala padha jayanya, maga bathanga" which means "There were (two) emissaries, they began to fight, their valor was equal, they both fell dead" Used to write: Javanese, an austronesian language spoken by about 75 million people in Indonesia and Suriname. The Javanese alphabet was also used to write Balinese and Sundanese, but has been replaced by the Latin alphabet. Transliteration Rama kahula hīkā wonten 'ī swarga. wasta sampeyan dadossa subši. sadžaman sampeyan rawuḥha. kars sampeyan dadossa 'ī bumi kados 'ī swarga. redžekki kahula kā saintendinten sukanni dinten puniki marī kahula. hambi puntan marī kahula dosa kahula, kados kahula puntan marī satungiltūgil titiyū kā salaḥ marī kahula. hambi sampun bekta kahula 'ī pertšoban. tapi tšutšullken kahula bari pada sā ṅawon, sabab sadžaman hambi kawasa sarta kamukten gusti kagū ṅannipun dumugi 'ī ṅawet. Amin The Javanese font used on this page was created by Jason Glavy and is available from: http://www.geocities.com/jglavy/asian.html Recommended books Links Information about the Javanese alphabet http://www.joglosemar.co.id/hanacaraka/hanacaraka.html http://www.christusrex.org/www1/pater/JPN-javanese-huruf.html The Official Site of Aksara Jawa - free fonts and a tutorial on how to write with the Javanese alphabet (in Javanese and Indonesian) http://hanacaraka.fateback.com |