
[语言交流]葡英对照小短文2 -José Saramago (葡)

更多 发布于:2007-06-06 20:51
Não tinham medo, estavam apenas assustados com a sua própria coragem. O padre ria, dava gritos, deixara já a segurança do prumo e percorria o convés da máquina de um lado a outro para poder olhar a terra em todos os seus pontos cardeais, tão grande agora que estavam longe dela, enfim levantaram-se Baltasar e Blimunda, agarrando-se nervosamente aos prumos, depois à amurada, deslumbrados de luz e de vento, logo sem nenhum susto, Ah, e Baltasar gritou, Conseguimos, abraçou-se a Blimunda e desatou a chorar, parecia uma criança perdida, um soldado que andou na guerra, que nos Pegões matou um homem com o seu espigão, e agora soluça de felicidade abraçado a Blimunda, que lhe beija a cara suja, então, então. O padre veio para eles e abraçou-se também, subitamente perturbado por uma analogia, assim dissera o italiano, Deus ele próprio, Baltasar seu filho, Blimunda o Espírito Santo, e estavam os três no céu, Só há um Deus, gritou, mas o vento levou-lhe as palavras da boca. Então Blimunda disse, Se não abrirmos a vela, continuaremos a subir, aonde iremos parar, talvez ao sol.


They were not afraid, they were simply astounded at their own daring. The priest laughed and shouted. He had already abandoned the safety of the handrail and was running back and forth across the deck of the machine in order to catch a glimpse of the land below, north, south, east, and west, the earth looked so vast, now that they were so far away from it, Baltasar and Blimunda finally scrambled to their feet, nervously holding on to the cords, then to the handrail, dazed by the light and the wind, suddenly no longer frightened, Ah, and Baltasar shouted, We've done it, he embraced Blimunda and burst into tears, he was like a lost child, this soldier who had been to war, who had killed a man in Pegões with his spike, and was now weeping for joy as he clung to Blimunda, who kissed his dirty face. The priest came up to them and joined in their embrace, suddenly perturbed by the analogy the Italian had drawn when he had suggested that the priest himself was God, Baltasar his son, and Blimunda the holy ghost, and now all three of them were up there in the skies together, There is only one God, he shouted, but the wind snatched the words from his mouth. Then Blimunda said, Unless we open the sail, we shall go on climbing, and we might even collide with the sun.


