一、《环球葡萄牙语大词典-豪华版 2003》(Grande.Dicionario.Universal.da.Lingua.Portuguesa.L)v5[ISO]
中文名称:环球葡萄牙语大词典-豪华版 2003 英文名称:Grande.Dicionario.Universal.da.Lingua.Portuguesa.L 资源类型:ISO 版本:v5 发行时间:2003年 地区:巴西 简介: ![]() 2天前发布的《Houaiss巴西葡萄牙语完整豪华版词典》受到了意想不到的欢迎。物以缺为贵呀。24小时候,下载栏中中国人和巴西人数之比已是10:1。我的下载速度达到80kb/s。这是VeryCD的伟大,也是中国的伟大呀。 上述词典体积庞大。今天发布的这个词典体积是上述字典的一半,不同的是,它是葡萄牙出版的而不是巴西出版的。是环球系列多媒体词典之一。包括巴西、葡萄牙、及非洲等说葡语的国家使用的葡萄牙语。 Breve Descrição: O mais completo dicionário multimédia da Língua Portuguesa. Novo Corrector Ortográfico e hifenizador. Inclui os vocábulos do português fundamental usado no Brasil e nos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa. ![]() 96 254 entradas Conjugador de verbos Anexo gramatical Mais de 1300 imagens Centenas de links para a internet Utilitários: Abreviaturas Palavras homógrafas Acordo Ortográfico Estrangeirismos Antropónimos Topónimos Actualização permanente de todos os módulos do Dicionário [emule] ed2k://|file|[环球葡萄牙语大词典-豪华版.2003].Grande.Dicionario.Universal.da.Lingua.Portuguesa.LUXO.v5.(2003).iso|682209280|496caf6b8070ab73b4735700f338f68b|/ [/emule] |
发布于:2008-03-10 08:42
资源类型:ISO 地区:巴西 语言:葡萄牙语 简介: ![]() ![]() ![]() 从图片就可知,该词典相当于我国的汉语大词典。全是葡语的。我国学习葡语的人不多,但在欧洲,却常能听到说葡语的人。现在学习小语种的人多了。可资料少的可怜。这个词典在巴西也很少能有人买的起。 [emule] ed2k://|file|Dicionário.Houaiss.N-I-C.Port.Br.Portugues.Completo.Perfeito.rar|1500197661|1b0c901aede8bb550be83efb8f3dce1e|/ [/emule] |
发布于:2008-03-10 08:43
三、《走遍欧洲-葡萄牙语-现在就说》(Eurotalk-talk now-portuguese)[ISO]
英文名称:Eurotalk-talk now-portuguese 资源类型:ISO 发行时间:2002年 地区:英国 语言:英语,葡萄牙语 简介: ![]() Eurotalk 系列收到骡友们的喜爱,每天都有qq加入谈到它易学,适用。VeryCD前面有朋友发过的talknow葡萄牙语需要注册号。否则无法使用。故在此发布,为广大想学拉丁语系的骡友们重新发布。 talk now是著名的语言教学软件公司EuroTalk出品的口语入门语言学习软件的初级教程,售价29.99英镑,软件界面友好,全程语音和文字帮助,有几十种语言的帮助界面,其中中文就有普通话和粤语两种。可定制用户,多人在同一电脑上使用而互不干扰彼此的学习进度。 课程按照基础词汇、食品、颜色、身体、数字、时间、购物以及国家等专题进行分类学习,每个专项的学习又分为词汇练习、口语练习、简单游戏及复杂游戏等几项进行,还可打印图片词汇。 该系列有幼儿,初级,中级和高级。 中级通过游戏,电视猜迷,是你与电脑专家互动,学习有关食物,天气,方位。语言结构以及有关动物的词汇和表达。 Talk Now! is the world's best selling language learning CD-ROM series for beginners, used by more than three million people to date. It’s ideal for travellers, holidaymakers, business people, schoolchildren, students and families. Anyone over 10 years will find the disc indispensable for improving listening, understanding and spoken language skills. There are nine topics: first words, food, colours, phrases, parts of the body, numbers, time, shopping and countries. The games and quizzes included on the disc ensure that users have fun whilst using the disc, without realising that they’re learning. The "intelligent" software feature remembers words you get wrong and targets your weak points. Each question that is answered correctly increases the user’s score - get an answer wrong and points will be lost. There are 1800 points in total to gain from the disc. A full score earns the user a 'Gold Award'. Each topic contains listening practice, an easy game, a hard game, a printable dictionary as well as the opportunity to record your voice and hear how you sound in comparison to the two native speakers who tutor the user throughout the Talk Now! course. Each of the target languages for Talk Now! has help available in an additional 102 languages. The disc localises automatically using the computer’s operating system language. There is also the option to click on the flag on the first screen to change the help language. “This is an excitingly different language learning series. Talk Now! Uses games and quizzes as a basis for making the learning process fun and relaxing.” – PC Answers “I bought your Learn Malay CD today… I’ve only just begun, but I wanted to say how much I am enjoying it. I studied Malay from a book all day yesterday, making some 25 pages of notes on grammar and vocab, but I remember more from your CD from just an hour!” – James Bryce [emule]ed2k://|file|[走遍欧洲-葡萄牙语-现在就说].Eurotalk.-.Talk.Now!.-.Portuguese.rar|117874835|67436435088124753df1917c050781de|/[/emule] |
发布于:2008-03-10 08:45
四、《Michaelis英语-葡萄牙语字典》(Michaelis english -portuguese dictionary)
英文名称:Michaelis english -portuguese dictionary 别名:Michaelis Dicionario da english-portuguesa 资源类型:ISO 地区:巴西 语言:英语 简介: Com mais de 200.000 verbetes e subverbetes, este é o mais completo dicionário da língua portuguesa. Elaborado com rigor científico e lexicográfico, ele está atualizado com neologismos e os mais novos termos técnicos de áreas como Informática, Economia, Marketing, Artes, Comunicação, Ciências, Tecnologia, etc. Apresenta divisão silábica dos verbetes, definições com acepções numeradas e exemplos atuais, referência a mais de 100 áreas do conhecimento, expressões idiomáticas e gírias, indicação da categoria gramatical e da regência dos verbos, informação de plurais, femininos, aumentativos e diminutivos irregulares, conjugação dos verbos defectivos no final do verbete, remissões a sinônimos e variantes, etimologia da palavra detalhando sua origem e formação, apêndice contendo: regras de acentuação gráfica, emprego da crase, regras para divisão silábica, emprego dos sinais de pontuação, emprego das iniciais maiúsculas, de tratamento, principais nomes que admitem forma coletiva, vozes de animais e barulhos de ruídos de coisas, palavras e expressões mais usuais do latim e de outras línguas estrangeiras. 现在学习小语种的朋友多了,现在发布一个学习巴西葡萄牙语的michaelis 英-葡字典。是外语专业和喜爱葡语的同学的得力助手 。 [emule]ed2k://|file|michaelis-Dicionario_Ingles_Portugues.ISO|452689920|29a76c6a53e5ea27b8e79e772726d3c5|/[/emule] |
发布于:2008-03-10 08:46
五、《Pimsleur 系列语言教程-葡萄牙语》(Pimsleur Language Seiries- Portuguese)[
中文名称:Pimsleur 系列语言教程-葡萄牙语
英文名称:Pimsleur Language Seiries- Portuguese 资源类型:ISO 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介: ![]() Pimsleur语言学习程序提供一个自助式的学习环境,就像母语学习的那样进行思考和获得语言信息。组成语言的组成成分,词汇,发音,语法都在一起学习,不需要枯燥的记忆和句法。通过知名的语言学家保罗·比斯勒博士独特的方法,学生将像母语那样掌握单词和短语,并流利的表达自己。 Product Details: ISBN: 0743523482 Format: Audio Pub. Date: January 2003 Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio Edition Description: 3RD Edition Number: 3 Barnes & Noble Sales Rank: 180,019 FROM THE PUBLISHER With Pimsleur Language Programs you don't just study a language, you learn it -- the same way you mastered English! And because the technique relies on interactive spoken language training, the Pimsleur Language Programs are totally audio -- no book is needed! The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information. The various components of language -- vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar -- are all learned together without rote memorization and drills. Using a unique method of memory recall developed by renowned linguist, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, the programs teach listeners to combine words and phrases to express themselves the way native speakers do. By listening and responding to thirty minute recorded lessons, students easily and effectively achieve spoken proficiency. No other language program or school is as quick, convenient, and effective as the Pimsleur Language Programs. The Comprehensive Program is the ultimate in spoken language learning. For those who want to become proficient in the language of their choice, the Comprehensive programs go beyond the Basic Programs to offer spoken-language fluency. Using the same simple method of interactive self-practice with native speakers, these comprehensive programs provide a complete language learning course. The Comprehensive Program is available in a wide variety of languages and runs through three levels (thirty lessons each) in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish. At the end of a full Comprehensive Program listeners will be conducting complete conversationsand be well on their way to mastering the language. The Comprehensive Programs are all available on cassettes and are also on CD in the six languages in which we offer the Basic Program on CD. [emule]ed2k://|file|[Pimsleur.系列语言教程-葡萄牙语].Pimsleur.-.Brazilian.Portuguese.I.complete.30.units.{trych0t}.rar|384528378|a64a904ff372acd1baaa05588d2a383f|/ ed2k://|file|[Pimsleur.系列语言教程-葡萄牙语].Pimsleur.-.Brazilian.Portuguese.II.complete.30.units.{trych0t}.rar|398302673|0cc7b860cad6c56084641ed06d564597|/ ed2k://|file|[Pimsleur.系列语言教程-葡萄牙语].Pimsleur.-.Brazilian.Portuguese.III.complete.30.units.{trych0t}.rar|371627041|e35b13f4c3e7e32f7cc135a9549ab829|/ [/emule] |
发布于:2008-06-25 15:02
免费下载的么 ? 我正在找系统的呢 如果有语音就太完美了
发布于:2008-07-21 22:35
抄下来 根据需要去购买 |
发布于:2008-10-30 20:46
免费下载的么 ? 我正在找系统的呢 如果有语音就太完美了
发布于:2008-10-30 20:52
发布于:2009-01-03 23:22
555555555555555 ![]() |
发布于:2009-02-24 23:28
用户被禁言,该主题自动屏蔽! |
发布于:2009-03-18 21:59