原文這麼寫"拉斯普京於1869年1月22日出生於俄羅斯薩拉托夫省的農家,父親葉菲姆·維爾金早年好賭,後攜家移居西伯利亞秋明地區的波克羅夫斯科耶村,並改姓「諾維赫」(意為「新人」),成為富農,後因妻子、長子、獨女相繼去世而家道中落。格里高利年輕時是個無賴,還做過偷馬賊,被同村人稱為「拉斯普京」,意為「淫逸放蕩」(распутин)。" 俄文版提到 "Родоначальником рода Распутиных был «Изосим Федоров сын». В переписной книге крестьян села Покровского за 1662 год говорится, что он с женой и тремя сыновьями — Семёном, Насоном и Евсеем — пришёл на Покровскую слободу за двадцать лет до того из Яренского уезда и «стал на пашню». Сын Насон позже получил прозвище «Роспута». От него пошли все Роспутины, ставшие в начале XIX века Распутиными. По дворовой переписи 1858 года в Покровском значилось более тридцати крестьян, носивших фамилию «Распутины», в том числе и Ефим, отец Григория. Фамилия происходит от слов «распутье», «распутица», «перепутье»" 說整村都是姓Распутин,既然村中有三十戶以上是這個姓,怎麼可能用這詞罵人? 最末提到該詞來自歧路、泥濘的道路«распутье», «распутица», «перепутье» 同時俄文版中將«стал на пашню»一語特別括起來,我對它的理解就是"開始耕種或開墾土地",是否別有他意? |
发布于:2014-05-05 00:21
说什么淫 荡、放 荡之徒肯定是某些人的臆断之辞。他们或许是依据“распутник”一词,去掉-ик再加上个и构成了распутин就认为是淫 荡之徒的意思了(或者是由распутный如法炮制来的)。就像塔语中女名Сарвиноз按首字母小写是“卖 弄 风 骚的女 人”的意思。但这个名字却是сарв和ноз两个词的合写,中间加伊紮菲。Распутин一词我个人认为是来自распутье一词。意思是“住在岔路口的人”,绝对不能因为他本人长着48 cm的 生 殖 器,并和各种当时的上流社会的 女 人 交 媾 就将其姓定性为“淫 荡的人”。由居住地、从事的职业等等的词来取姓也很符合俄罗斯人的取姓习惯。
发布于:2014-05-06 02:42
发布于:2014-05-07 14:25
发布于:2014-05-07 14:27
There lived a certain man in Russia long ago
He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow Most people looked at him with terror and with fear But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear He could preach the bible like a preacher Full of ecstacy and fire But he also was the kind of teacher Women would desire Ra ra rasputin Lover of the Russian queen There was a cat that really was gone Ra ra rasputin Russia"s greatest love machine It was a shame how he carried on He ruled the Russian land and never mind the czar But the kasachok he danced really wunderbar In all affairs of state he was the man to please But he was real great when he had a girl to squeeze For the queen he was no wheeler dealer Though she"d heard the things he"d done She believed he was a holy healer Who would heal her son Ra ra rasputin Lover of the Russian queen There was a cat that really was gone Ra ra rasputin Russia"s greatest love machine It was a shame how he carried on But when his drinking and lusting and his hunger for power became known to more and more people, the demands to do something about this outrageous man became louder and louder. "This man"s just got to go!" declared his enemies But the ladies begged "Don"t you try to do it, please" No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charms Though he was a brute they just fell into his arms Then one night some men of higher standing Set a trap, they"re not to blame "Come to visit us" they kept demanding And he really came Ra ra rasputin Lover of the Russian queen They put some poison into his wine Ra ra rasputin Russia"s greatest love machine He drank it all and he said "I feel fine" Ra ra rasputin Lover of the Russian queen They didn"t quit, they wanted his head Ra ra rasputin Russia"s greatest love machine And so they shot him till he was dead Oh, those Russians... |
发布于:2014-05-12 00:04
发布于:2014-05-13 00:00
发布于:2014-05-15 01:27