Poema 15. Me gustas cuando callas...Pablo NerudaMe gustas cuando callas porque estás como ausente,y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te toca... 全文

2013-10-16 09:57 来自版块 - 西班牙语 | Spanish | Español

本帖最后由 loneblackwolf 于 2010-12-12 01:11 编辑 http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/17609929-1361748391.htmlsorry, i don't know how to upload a vid... 全文

2010-12-12 01:04 来自版块 - 蒙古语│Mongolian│Монголхэл

本帖最后由 loneblackwolf 于 2010-5-26 04:40 编辑 (sorry this article isn't in simplied chinese nor in good chinese. i typed english to explain... 全文

2010-05-26 04:24 来自版块 - 蒙古语│Mongolian│Монголхэл

Yaxshimusiz! Me'ning ismim Bo"rebe'g . thanks for the invitation!

2010-05-21 15:21 来自版块 - 新手上路 | Newbie Entrance
