有趣的朗诵,一位叫Vojin Nedeljkovic的仁兄:Catullus 3Lugete, o Veneres Cupidinesque,et quantum est hominum venustiorum!Passer mortuus est meae puellae,pa... 全文

2012-04-06 18:41 来自版块 - 拉丁语 | Latin | Latina

Stanley Lombardo用口语化的英语翻译过《伊利亚特》,这里是他用古希腊文朗读第一卷: http://www.wiredforbooks.org/mp3/Iliad.mp3

2011-11-12 20:40 来自版块 - 希腊语 | Greek | Ελληνικά

需要Quicktime来播放视频:http://cicero.humnet.ucla.edu/movieCenter.htmSed tamen ex ipsa quaeram prius utrum me secum severe et graviter et prisce ag... 全文

2011-11-08 20:34 来自版块 - 拉丁语 | Latin | Latina

曾被用作金莎朱古力广告主题曲。Cass Elliot(The Mamas ; the Papas)和Laura Fygi的版本:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/3oF65DZ2KVM/http://www.tudou.com/programs... 全文

2011-11-05 22:23 来自版块 - 英语交流 | English

每天都学一两个常用词,久而久之相信对英语程度的提高会有帮助的。being 人生,身心What is the real nature of being?His very being felt the need of love.He responded with his whole ... 全文

2011-11-04 17:40 来自版块 - 英语交流 | English


2011-11-04 17:13 来自版块 - 新手上路 | Newbie Entrance
